Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Brownsea, Blue Sky.

Spent most of saturday on Brownsea Island soaking up the sunny weather...

.. saw quite a few Red Squirrels but only from a fair distance and they were very twitchy, so didn't get too many good shots.

Don't tell anyone, but I swear spring is actually better than the much touted autumn for them, the young ones are much more trusting and forgiving of wandering photographers!
Wild deer with fawn. Deers have to be regularly removed from the island, as they wade or swim across Poole harbour to get onto Brownsea. Who can blame them though!

Spent a while wandering the bird lagoon this year too...

Avocet in ripples.

Preening Avocets

Picks of a Little Egret flying, fishing and dancing (actually it's chasing a fish).

Hmm, not sure if it's internet explorer 8 (beta) or Blogger, but this formatting is a right mess. :\

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