Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More randomness..

ISO100, 100mm, f/11, 1/400s, -1ev, straightened & cropped

Sunset dogwalker on Pendine Sands (of land speed record fame)

ISO1600, 17mm, f/5.6, 1/2500s, -1.6ev
cropped, levels, selective curves, saturation, noise reduction

Steam locomotive Tangmere plods through autumn countryside, pushed by a diesel engine (I guess they had a problem). Composition is okay considering I wanted the autumn colours in there, but the sky was pretty ugly, the Sun recently clouded over and my settings aren't exactly optimised.
Report card: C- Must try harder next time!


Dave F Barker said...

Wow love the first, spot on, get it printed and hung on the wall :)

Mark said...

:) thanks, I've lost count of how many times I've said I'll print some photos out and never got around to it..

Web printers never seem to get it right and I'm yet to find a good, but affordable local printer.

Think maybe I'll invest in a decent printer myself at some point.