Was out looking at the stars at the weekend, taking a look at the alignment of the three brightest objects in the night sky - Venus, Jupiter and the Moon. Couldn't resist fitting the x1.4 teleconvertor to my 100-400mm and seeing what I could see. No moons around Jupiter unfortunately, but easily visible as a planet, especially with the Live-View screen set to 10x zoom.
It's not a blog without a photo, so here's a photo of the crescent Moon..
ISO200, 560mm, f/8, 1/13s, cropped, corrected chromatic aberation
Venus. Not quite the Hubble ST, but about $1.5 billion cheaper..
Interesting red and blue light, caused by prismatic aberation of the light coming through the Earths atmosphere. Also note that Venus has no moons, so the blobby bits must either be a UFO or dust/dirt in my camera setup.