Wednesday, January 08, 2014

US Tour - American Dreams (More Cars!)

More wrecked old cars from the US tour, given what I consider an appropriate amount of post-processing to help portray the kind of feeling I wanted to capture.  Surprised by how sad some of these decaying cars felt, as some where part of areas that had seen prosperous times 40-50 years ago and are now near derelict, with maybe the remaining residents being the people who drove the cars into town all those decades ago.

The first was in a small town museum, which was just a collection of old stuff that had been donated - I get the feeling a lot of it had probably still been in use until recently.

The second was a near derelict town in the middle of the desert, shot at sunset, to me it captures something of the Americana feel to some of the places.

The third is a huge scrap yard in a town just west of Vegas.  Locked up with lots of "no tourists allowed" - "go away" warning signs, I tentatively took photos over the fence, while the car idled within sprinting distance.

ISO200, 16mm, f/4.5, 1/25s, -1ev - bracketed exposure using lightroom

ISO320, 16mm, f/5.6, 1/25s, -1ev, circ plrsr, levels, curves 

ISO100, 16mm, f/9, 1/200s, -0.7ev, curves, over-sharpened (on purpose), cropped

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