Sunday, July 13, 2014


Not been around a lot with the camera as I am spending a lot of my wasted time this summer building a workshop and learning to Scuba dive .. you know just the usual stuff!  :o)
A bit of a mini collection of some shots that celebrate the Sun we've been getting though.  I have been very happy with how the Sigma 105mm macro lens has been working with my 5D3 since I setup the micro focus adjustment, loving that feature.  The new flash has been a revelation too, suddenly having much more control than my old 420EX has turned a flash gun and wireless remote set into a standard part of my carry bag kit now.
Plenty of photos still to process, so even if I'm not getting out and about I should be posting a bunch more stuff here soon(ish).
Meadow Brown (?) in the setting Sun
ISO320, 400mm, 1/320s, f/5.6, -0.7ev, crop, noise reduction

Pushing up the daisies
ISO100, 20mm, 1/250s, f/13, -0.7ev, circular polariser

Damselfly in flight
ISO100, 105mm, 1/640s, f/8, -0.3ev, cropped

Female Banded Demoiselle damselfly glinting in the Sun
ISO100, 105mm, 1/500s, f/7.1, -0.7ev, cropped 

Daisies and barbed wire at Sunset
ISO200, 190mm, 1/160s, f/8, -0.7ev

1 comment:

John said...

Great shots Mark - I especially like the daisies.