Sunday, January 04, 2015

Canal Kingfisher

Taken in low light along a cloudy canal-side walk.  Not a great photo, but since they are my long-time nemesis I thought I'd post it anyway.  Seen a lot of them recently on walks down both the local river and canal, hopefully the latter managed to survive the canal icing over last week. 
This little guy (males have all black beaks) was pretty chilled out about our presence, so this was taken from about 7m distance and we just sat watching him fish for about 20 minutes, being successful on the last of 4 attempts (2nd photo - note fish in beak).  It would be a good spot to take more KF shots, but usually this path is busy with dog walkers - thankfully we were out in the cloud, cold and rain, so it was quieter.

ISO2000, 400mm, f/5.6, 1/500s, +0.3ev, cropped, de-noise

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