Thursday, July 15, 2010


Another quick post, of a rose and its petals that I took the other day. A little hypocritical really after my lecture about photoshop use, but this is two images overlayed, one focusing on the flowerhead and the other on the petals. They were even taken from different angles, while I was looking for the best composition.
I couldn't decide which I liked best, thought each had something lacking that the other had, so decided I might make it into a photoshop heavy piece of art instead... However all I did was paste one over the other, set the top image opacity to 50% and I think it looks great! It's kept the details and texture, the tone and lighting, but added an etherealness to the scene.

Rather than feeling like cheating, it actually reminds me of a phase I went through with my old film camera, doing double exposures on a single frame to get portraits with textures. An old favourite being my old cat Tom looking up, with a 2nd exposure of clouds, worked really well.

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