Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

To celebrate the official end of summer, the festival of the dead and my birthday, here is a quick shot of this years pumpkins. ISO 1600, -2ev exp comp (eval metering) and a dose of noise reduction. I might try and do a properly staged tripod shot over the weekend, if I get time.

The festival originated from an ancient Celtic festival first recorded in the 9th century, where it was believed that the spirits of all the dead from the previous year would come looking for someone to possess, to achieve life after death. To avoid this fate the living resorted to dressing up as witches and ghosts, lighting lanterns and leaving offerings of food on their doorsteps.

The tradition of going door to door asking for food or money was an old tradition practised in Britain and Ireland, with the American custom of saying trick or treat only becoming common over the last 30 years.

Originally the Celts used carved turnips as lanterns, pumpkins became the vegetable of choice when the commonwealth colonised North America where turnips weren't so common.

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