Thursday, May 12, 2011


ISO500, 105mm, 1/160s, f/8, -2/3ev
Two more lunch break macro shots. Above, balancing on the end of some grass with a really nice background. Not sure what this bug is, but it's one I've not seen before.

ISO800, 105mm, 1/1600s, f/6.3, levels
Yet another dandelion, this time shot from below, using a background tree to create a dark halo around the backlit dandelion.

The recent rainfall should put a stop to my lying on the ground for a while, so hopefully I can find something else to photograph instead. Nearly finished processing all the photos from the last wedding now, then hopefully I'll have a bit more time outside lunch-breaks and work to concentrate on something a bit different for a change. Been a long time now since a sunrise or a Kingfisher attempt!

1 comment:

John said...

I found one of those in my garden, according to the internet it's a Bishop's Mitre - Aelia acuminata