Monday, February 12, 2018

Wild February

First mini jaunt out with the camera without it either being frozen or peeing down with rain, wouldn't you know it, wildlife was out enjoying the weather too!
First use of the Land Rover as a hide (yes, I have a Land Rover 110 now - if I didn't mention that!?) - spotted these fighting Pheasants near the roadside and after parking up and waiting for a bit they carried on their brawling.  Probably helped by the fact that neither wanted to turn their back on the other to scarper, they just cracked on with the proceedings.  Nice and photogenic and a bit of movement kind of portrays just how aggressive they were, elegant dancing this was not!
Unfortunately by the time the decent sunlight came out, they had moved into a nearby farm yard, with in my opinion, not such a nice backdrop.  While bright Sun is usually bad, their feathers really pop in the sun, so I included one anyways.
Mid-afternoon errands complete, I snuck of down the canal for a sunset.  Lots of animals about, buzzards, a Red Kite, Kestrel, Deer, green woodpecker .. but it was the trusty Kingfisher that provided the only shots and nothing in the golden hour.  Unfortunately the local dog walkers seem to time their trot down the canal with sunset, trashing any prime time photography, then hanging bags of dog shit on the barbed wire fence.  I'm not a big fan.  Anyways, it was really nice to see so much getting out and about in an early burst of Spring weather.
ISO1000, 560mm, f/8, 1/500s (100-400mm + 1.4x teleconverter) 

ISO1000, 560mm, f/8, 1/500s

ISO1000, 560mm, f/8, 1/500s

ISO1250, 560mm, f/8, 1/800s

ISO1250, 560mm, f/8, 1/320s

ISO2000, 560mm, f/8, 1/400s

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