Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kite Flying

A couple of shots from a visit to Gigrin Farm where they feed the (relatively) local population of Red Kites.  A stunning spectacle to see so many huge birds of prey spiralling, swooping and diving through the sky in one place.  I have to admit to being quite blown away by it and combined with the dark and dismal weather, I didn't really get any shots I'm overly proud of, but there will be a next time!

Red Kites are agile and stealthy killers, with nearly two meter wing spans, but low body weight, making them extremely manouverable.  They will of course take advantage of free beef steak handed out every day and come from miles around to Gigrin before dispersing back out into the countryside.  They were re-introduced into the UK through the 1990's and it's estimated there are over 750 nesting pairs in Wales now.

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